My Progress

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Alexandra's Birth Story

On the afternoon of Friday, February 10, 2012, I began to experience very regular, painless contractions well into the evening.  Over time, they became more painful, though nothing unbearable.  By 3 am, I could no longer sleep through them and I retired to the living room couch to wait it out and see if they worsened. By 7 am on Saturday, we decided to call the OB and get his opinion of if I should get to the hospital.  He told us to come down, so off we went, expecting that we would might meet our daughter later that day.  After 5 hours in the hospital, my contractions subsided and I was sent home.

The following day I experienced similar contractions, though nothing worse than before, and again they eventually peetered out.  Jacob decided to stay into Monday just in case I went into full-blown labor.  BUT of course I didn't and he had to return to WV for work Monday evening.

On Tuesday, Feb 14th, I was debating whether I should risk driving up to campus to take my comp exam which I had set up early so I could get it over with before Alexandra arrived.  I decided to risk it, in the end, and I am very glad I did.  I made it through the exam (and passed, thankfully) without much pain and was able to see some friends that evening while in Chapel Hill.  While at dinner, I remember remarking upon leaving the restaurant that it felt like my ass was sweating really badly, because my underwear was damp.  Though, thinking back, I wasn't overheated at all.  I didn't give it another thought until much later.  I enjoyed some red wine with my classmates and returned home at 10 pm (a very late night for me!!).  Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke at 2:30 am to use the loo, returned to bed, and as I rolled over to my side I felt a large POP!!! followed by a warm gush of fluid between my legs. There was NO DOUBT in my mind what was happening.  Imagine holding a water balloon and squeezing it until it exploded in your hands.  That's exactly what it felt like between my legs as my amniotic sac burst.  I JUMPED out of bed exclaiming, "Oh shit, Oh SHIT, OH SHIIIITTTT!!!" and sat onto the toilet not knowing exactly what to do next.  My pants were saturated.  I decided it was best to take them off and hold a towel between my thighs - but that was quickly saturated as well.  I could not believe the amount of fluid rushing out of me.  I called Jacob and told him what was happening, and he quickly got on the road to return to Sanford.  Then I called 911 and waited for the ambulance to transport me to the hospital.

Everyone at the hospital, including the EMTs, were exceptionally welcoming and calming.  I was the only woman in Labor & Delivery that night, so I was blessed with the undivided attention of the hospital staff.  By 7:30 am, 4 hours into labor, my contractions were coming close together and escalating to a level which began to take my breath away.  I have NEVER been so relieved to see a doctor before in my life as when the anesthesiologist walked into the room.  Minutes after the epidural was in place I began to feel warm and cozy from my waist to my toes.  And after that moment, I knew giving birth was going to be okay.

Jacob arrived around 8:30 am and was by my side throughout the whole experience.  He enjoyed talking to the nurses and gleaning all sorts of information about birthing babies while I phased in and out of sleep.  By 6 hours into labor, I was fully dilated, but the contractions began to space themselves further apart, so they gave me some Pitocin to move things along faster.  In the meantime, I was engulfed with the shakes, as if my whole body was submerged in ice water but I wasn't cold.  I could only get them under control if I closed my eyes and concentrated fully on relaxing.  I also began to feel nauseated and ended up vomiting several times before I had to start pushing.  Other than those two side effects, labor was a breeeeeeze (thank you, again, epidural).

When it was time to push, Jacob took one leg, a nurse (Paula) to the other, and the midwife, Cathy, was at the helm providing feedback and guidance for me.  It took a total of 3-4 contractions, and 9-10 pushes to bring Alexandra into the world.  Apparently, I am a good pusher. :)  Go me!

When she was out I could barely comprehend that this being just cruised through my hoo-hah.  Jacob kept wanting to take a picture of her as they cleaned her off on my stomach, but my face read "ew - gross" rather than the blissful, happy response that I imagine most first time mothers have.  I was much more blissful after they cleaned off the slimy white stuff and wrapped her in a blanket. Lol.  Jacob cut the cord and got a free stitching lesson as he watched the midwife sew up the superficial tears I received in the process.  Nothing like your husband seeing your vagina in its most torn-up state. Sexy.  Luckily that stuff doesn't phase him and will (hopefully) not haunt him later when it looks normal again.

At 4:14 pm of February 15, 2012 Alexandra Eden was born weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, and was 20 inches long.  As babies go, she was a cutie.  She barely cried, which was eerie, since they always say newborns should cry. But she was very healthy and content from the very beginning.

Taking her home two days later was both nerve-wracking and exciting.  I did not sleep for those first couple nights because I was convinced that she would spontaneously stop breathing, suffocate herself, or choke on spit up.  Every noise brought my attention, as did the deadly silence as she slept comfortably in her bouncer beside our bed.  I'm much better about sleeping now - even able to ignore her dreaming noises, which she makes a LOT of.

 After a feeding.  How do you not just sit and stare?


 Me laboring - I think I was reaching for the puke bag.
 She's so wee. :)
 About 1 week old.
Leaving the hospital.

I've never thought of myself as a baby person.  I never thought I'd have kids.  I know it's going to be trying at times and exhausting and scary, but I am much more confident now that we did the right thing in starting a family and the rewards will far outweigh the bummers.  I feel very blessed to have Jacob with me to take this journey together, and that we have a beautiful little girl.  Now the true adventure begins.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Test run

This past Friday afternoon, I started experiencing very regular Braxton Hicks in, 4-6 minutes apart and lasting for 30-60 seconds.  At around 2:30 am, those contractions began to get more painful, accompanied by continual back pain and menstrual-type cramping.  By 7 am, they were 2-3 minutes apart, but the pain did not progress past a 2-3/10 level or so.  Not really knowing what to expect, I called the doctor on call and he said to get to the hospital.  So - off we went.  I was nervous, but excited - especially since Jacob was already at home. It WOULD have been good timing.  However, after spending the morning in the hospital, and walking for an hour to see if things progressed, the opposite happened.  The contractions slowed down and were less painful.  They sent us home - me with some Ambien so I could sleep through the contractions and get some rest.  I have never taken any prescription sleeping pills.  And I hadn't eaten anything for about 6 hours.  So, within 10 minutes I felt as if I had drank about a bottle of wine.  We decided to get some Thai food at our favorite Thai restaurant.  As we walked in - I stumbled my way to the restroom while Jacob ordered, thinking the entire time, "Hold it together, Rachel.  Try not to look so drunk."  By the time I returned to the table and the food arrived, I knew something was off.  I wasn't just fighting sleepiness....Thankfully Jacob could see I was totally messed up and we took our food to go.  After sitting down in the car, I knew I HAD to get out and BLAM - projectile vomiting!  All the water I had been sipping (and the remnants of some Sour Patch Kids I had downed on the way to the restaurant) made an encore in the parking lot.  Never again will I take Ambien - at least not that dosage on an empty stomach, anyway.

I made it the rest of the day and night and into Sunday afternoon before experiencing more contractions. But those, too, never progressed past the intensity of the day before, and eventually died down enough for me to sleep, sans drugs.  Jacob took Monday off, just in case things started up again, but NOOOOOOOOO.  That would be too convenient. ;-)  He drove back to WV this afternoon. :-(  I continue to have intermittent contractions, but nothing painful or regular.  Guess this little one is not quite ready to make her debut.

At least now we know where the Labor and Delivery department is in the hospital, and I'm registered in their system now.  Plus I know that I'm now 1.5 cm dilated and about 80% effaced - not that that dictates when I'll deliver, but it's nice to know.

Very exciting weekend, all in all.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

T-minus 14 days

This baby wants out  - or at least, that's what it feels like.  She's moving and squirming and wedging herself under my ribcage, punching my spleen, and headbutting my bladder more and more these days.  I've actually found myself telling her, outloud, "Hey - easy does it, Crazy" as I push her rump out from under my ribs.  
I made a bet with Jacob that she would weigh over 9 pounds - but the doctor is estimating her at around the 7.5 pound mark right now based off the size of my uterus.  This is a bet I would NOT mind losing - for sure - as I have been doing my best to keep this baby under 9 pounds.  
My gym membership expired last week, but I'm still able to ride my stationary bike for short bursts, and walk around the block a couple times before feeling like my pelvis might separate entirely.  These last few weeks I'm allowing myself to be less active because I have SO much schoolwork to do before she comes if I want to get ahead at all.  Maybe I can talk Jacob into doing my homework for me when he's home on paternity leave....hmmmm.  He'd probably make better grades than I ever could.
Other than that, not much else happening.  I am just praying I make it past February 14th at this point.  I have to take my comprehensive exam that day and would really hate to try to take it later whilst being utterly sleep deprived and sore.  

Friday, February 3, 2012

holy emotions

I don't know if it's truly hormonal, or if it's a combination of stress and hormones, but last night and this morning were ROUGH.  After finding out that Jacob was out having a great time with his team at a quaint German restaurant in Maryland, I somehow allowed myself to plummet into a spiral of self-pity and doubt. A hysterical sobbing fit ensued in the wee hours after imagining all sorts of improbabilities - mainly cute bartenders wearing wench/maid outfits flaunting voluminous bosoms in Jacob's face.  Nothing of the sort actually happened, but I have too much of an imagination to tell me otherwise.  Envisioning these youthful barmaids dancing or singing German folk songs whilst cozying up to my husband reminded me of just how old, fat, and physically destroyed I am right now....and how I will just continue to grow older and wrinklier and saggier while Jacob will only become more handsome and distinguished-looking.  I really wish I had my friends close by so I, too, could enjoy a night out once in a while.  I used to have fun.  I used to dance and get dressed up and get myself in to crazy I just sit all day, do homework, and eat.  (this is the pity party I was referencing earlier)  There's really nothing like having three or four girlfriends to go tear up the night with. :)  This is why I want to find a place to lay down roots  - moving around so much is not conducive to developing a solid group of friends.  All my friends are spaced out all over the country...making it sort of hard to get together on a whim.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

36 weeks and 2 days

I've made it to the 36 week mark.  Not too much has changed other than my belly, as you can see.  I'm experiencing more pelvic girdle pain than I have in the past, which makes walking very uncomfortable, among other things.  Going grocery shopping is even less fun now. haha.  You should hear me grunt and moan every time I have to roll over in the middle of the's embarrassing.  I have also been getting more and more Braxton Hicks contractions - usually at night as I'm resting and watching mindless TV, and I continue to battle nausea - though, it is, admittedly, less intense than it was in the beginning (but still quite annoying).  Other than that - things are good.

Jacob and I have almost finished putting together the "nursery"...we have to put together the dresser, and I have to figure out how to best arrange all the pounds of baby clothes that my good friend, Laurel, has generously passed along to us from her daughter.  I am loving the 10 hours of sleep I am getting each night - I am in for a RUDE awakening when this baby decides to come out.

I keep praying that she will arrive by her due date and NOT go past it.  But I suppose it's just a wait-and-see kind of situation at this point.  I'm not gonna lie - this baby is probably going to be huge and the thought of pushing it out of my body still causes me to break out in a cold sweat.  I know women have been doing it since the beginning of time - but that does not comfort me at all. oy.

Anywho, as promised - here are my latest pics:

 Yes - I swallowed a basketball. Everybody stare.

 OOOOHHHHH yeaaaaaaaaaaa - feeling SEXY - NOT.

I also want to give a great big THANK YOU to all who came and celebrated the upcoming birth - and all the amazing gifts.  One of the cutest things I got came from Maria - check these out:

I should get a kimono to go with them....hahaha.  So freakin' cute.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Continuing the Prep

On Saturday I went to the childbirth class that was recommended to me by my nurse educator.  I had reminded Jacob several times that it was on Saturday, but he forgot about it. Hahaha.  I didn't pressure him to come along seeing as how he and I probably knew most of what they were going to talk about anyway.  I was hopeful there would be more instruction on newborn care and feeding...but it was mostly about labor and delivery.  The whole time I sat in the class I was just missing Jacob, so I ended up skipping the only part that may have been useful to know - breastfeeding.  But, luckily I have a good friend who has lent me numerous books, including one on nursing, so I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Today I am exactly 4 weeks from my due date.  Crazy-town.  The baby is still very active and seems to be doing fine.  No major bodily changes have taken place since my last post - just more weight gain.   I will say that I feel a little better about my size after seeing the other pregnant ladies at the childbirth class.  I don't know how far along they all were, but most of them were a lot bigger.  I am definitely very lucky to have been able to rest when I want to and exercise when I want to.  It is probably a LOT harder to be pregnant and working versus pregnant and completing school.  I know I complain a lot, but I want everyone to know I realize how blessed I am right now.  It could have been a lot worse.  I guess things are looking pretty good when my stress is only manifesting in nightmares about stretch marks. hahaa.

I will be 36 weeks on Thursday, so I'll have my latest picture to put up then.

Until later. :-)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

32 weeks....8 more to go

Today I reached the 32 week mark.  The past 4 weeks I've only gained an additional 4-5 pounds (I've stopped being as meticulous in counting the weight since it was driving me crazy) - so no explosion has taken place, thank God.  Although, that's surprising with all the pigging out I've been doing on candy and cookies from "Santa"...hahaha.

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my new niece-in-law, Kaedence Larkin Slife, who was born today weighing in at 5 pounds and some odd ounces.  :)