My Progress

Saturday, January 28, 2012

36 weeks and 2 days

I've made it to the 36 week mark.  Not too much has changed other than my belly, as you can see.  I'm experiencing more pelvic girdle pain than I have in the past, which makes walking very uncomfortable, among other things.  Going grocery shopping is even less fun now. haha.  You should hear me grunt and moan every time I have to roll over in the middle of the's embarrassing.  I have also been getting more and more Braxton Hicks contractions - usually at night as I'm resting and watching mindless TV, and I continue to battle nausea - though, it is, admittedly, less intense than it was in the beginning (but still quite annoying).  Other than that - things are good.

Jacob and I have almost finished putting together the "nursery"...we have to put together the dresser, and I have to figure out how to best arrange all the pounds of baby clothes that my good friend, Laurel, has generously passed along to us from her daughter.  I am loving the 10 hours of sleep I am getting each night - I am in for a RUDE awakening when this baby decides to come out.

I keep praying that she will arrive by her due date and NOT go past it.  But I suppose it's just a wait-and-see kind of situation at this point.  I'm not gonna lie - this baby is probably going to be huge and the thought of pushing it out of my body still causes me to break out in a cold sweat.  I know women have been doing it since the beginning of time - but that does not comfort me at all. oy.

Anywho, as promised - here are my latest pics:

 Yes - I swallowed a basketball. Everybody stare.

 OOOOHHHHH yeaaaaaaaaaaa - feeling SEXY - NOT.

I also want to give a great big THANK YOU to all who came and celebrated the upcoming birth - and all the amazing gifts.  One of the cutest things I got came from Maria - check these out:

I should get a kimono to go with them....hahaha.  So freakin' cute.


  1. You look great. Hopefully you won't get the 38 week growth spurt I just got. Just when I thought things would taper off I grew quite a bit. Be well!!

    1. ahhh - don't say such things!!!! from this week to last my fundus height has not i'm hoping for that trend to continue.

      I'll keep you in my prayers that you stop expanding and have a very easy, successful delivery. I can't wait to see what you have!! This has been really fun to share this journey with you.

      We're ALMOST DONE - and then the hard part begins.

