This past Friday afternoon, I started experiencing very regular Braxton Hicks in, 4-6 minutes apart and lasting for 30-60 seconds. At around 2:30 am, those contractions began to get more painful, accompanied by continual back pain and menstrual-type cramping. By 7 am, they were 2-3 minutes apart, but the pain did not progress past a 2-3/10 level or so. Not really knowing what to expect, I called the doctor on call and he said to get to the hospital. So - off we went. I was nervous, but excited - especially since Jacob was already at home. It WOULD have been good timing. However, after spending the morning in the hospital, and walking for an hour to see if things progressed, the opposite happened. The contractions slowed down and were less painful. They sent us home - me with some Ambien so I could sleep through the contractions and get some rest. I have never taken any prescription sleeping pills. And I hadn't eaten anything for about 6 hours. So, within 10 minutes I felt as if I had drank about a bottle of wine. We decided to get some Thai food at our favorite Thai restaurant. As we walked in - I stumbled my way to the restroom while Jacob ordered, thinking the entire time, "Hold it together, Rachel. Try not to look so drunk." By the time I returned to the table and the food arrived, I knew something was off. I wasn't just fighting sleepiness....Thankfully Jacob could see I was totally messed up and we took our food to go. After sitting down in the car, I knew I HAD to get out and BLAM - projectile vomiting! All the water I had been sipping (and the remnants of some Sour Patch Kids I had downed on the way to the restaurant) made an encore in the parking lot. Never again will I take Ambien - at least not that dosage on an empty stomach, anyway.
I made it the rest of the day and night and into Sunday afternoon before experiencing more contractions. But those, too, never progressed past the intensity of the day before, and eventually died down enough for me to sleep, sans drugs. Jacob took Monday off, just in case things started up again, but NOOOOOOOOO. That would be too convenient. ;-) He drove back to WV this afternoon. :-( I continue to have intermittent contractions, but nothing painful or regular. Guess this little one is not quite ready to make her debut.
At least now we know where the Labor and Delivery department is in the hospital, and I'm registered in their system now. Plus I know that I'm now 1.5 cm dilated and about 80% effaced - not that that dictates when I'll deliver, but it's nice to know.
Very exciting weekend, all in all.
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