My Progress

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Well shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh**

Just when I thought I was headed out of the woods with this morning sickness business, I wake up yesterday to more nausea and a gurgling gut.  This is now the second day in a row that I have felt more nauseated than in the past couple weeks - and it's constant, as usual.  No amount of food or drink, gum or mint, will save me.  I'm SO SICK OF THIS SHHHHHHH**.  It certainly doesn't help that I'm more emotional and I actually cried last night about it. No, I'm not ashamed.  Should I be?  How would you feel if you were nauseous all day long every day for, let's see, oh 14 weeks straight?  Yeah.  Thanks, pregnancy.  You rule.  It figures I would be one of the few who has morning sickness this long - and probably will throughout the whole damn thing. 


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