My Progress

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Busy Baby

This little tyke has become very mobile just in the last week.  Before I would only feel her moving a couple times throughout the day, usually after a meal and for only a half an hour or so.  But now, she's punching and kicking and bucking all over the place at all hours of the day and night.  I can tell she's already bigger than what the baby websites say babies at 23 weeks are "normally" because one second I feel her bulge out just below my spleen/stomach area and the next second she kicks down by my appendix.  She's no joke.  I wonder if this is an omen to how active she will be once freed from her fleshy cage.  I am definitely anticipating months of colic, severe sleep deprivation, and depression (for me).  I feel bad for Jacob already.  I suck enough when having slightly fitfull nights of sleep, let alone NO sleep with a screaming, kicking baby.  We shall see.  Pray for me, people.  Pray that I get an angel child.  Pray that I can manage to finish school without going on Zoloft and becoming a full-fledged alcoholic. (I'm only half-serious about that.)  Pray that Jacob doesn't leave my disgruntled ass. (I know he wouldn't, but we've never had a baby either.)  The closer the due date gets, the more terrified I become.  I'm still not convinced my personality is suited for motherhood.  I like fuzzy kitties who sleep all day and purr.  Can babies do that?

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