My Progress

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh - weird!

Last night I'm sitting, reading on my couch, and I can feel this baby flipping around. It is so incredibly creepy - like an alien has inhabited my body, sucking my life's blood like a parasite so it can grow and destroy its incubator.  I wondered if I could see any of these tiny blasts of ammunition it has been unleashing on me.  I exposed my belly, watching the surface as if I was watching for the ever-elusive humpback to make its breech, when I see a small lump burst out and retreat just as quickly.  HOLY MOSES.  I mean, I KNOW there's a baby in there - I've seen the ultrasounds - but it's a whole other story to actually FEEL it and then SEE evidence on my body that something IS IN THERE...

1 comment:

  1. Lol! You're so right! I still feel a little weirded out when I feel her moving.
