My Progress

Sunday, December 4, 2011

We have (dun, dun, duuuuhhhhnnnnn) . . . a NAME.

Yesterday at least 5 people asked me if we had decided on a name.  This morning, over the great technology of instant messaging, we came to a final decision:

Alexandra Eden Slife

For those who like to know the meanings behind names (I am one), Alexandra means "defender of mankind."  And Eden means "pleasure, delight. The biblical paradise home to Adam and Eve."

We chose Eden as a middle name to play on a feminine form of Edward, after my grandfather.

I really think this little one will truly fit that name.  Good for being cute, girlie, sporty, or sophisticated.  And I don't know anyone with that name, so she's original to us. :)

So that's that.  The wondering and contemplating is over.   I can now start thinking of her as a person, rather than a fetus.  This is progress.

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