My Progress

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A BM? (baby movement)

I don't know for sure, but every once in a while - when I'm fairly certain my colon is inactive - I feel what I can only describe as a bubble popping.  Sometimes it's several in a row, other times it's only once, but they're always in the same area - central and low.  I thought maybe it was too early to be able to feel movement, but apparently it's not (according to all the baby websites).  It feels weird, and I thought maybe when I first felt it I would either be freaked out or totally stoked.  Oddly, I'm neither.  I guess I'm just taking it all as it comes, happy that he/she is still alive. :)


  1. How exciting to feel some movement. I didn't feel Tristan moving until my 6th month but this little one I've felt 3 weeks now. It's crazy! Will you find out gender soon too??? I can't wait to find out!!

  2. I'm really not sure if it's movement of the baby or my bowels, after all. either way, I guess it doesn't really matter. I'll feel it eventually. :)
