My Progress

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Turkey Thermometer

So - I have what I can only describe as a "flatty" belly button. That is, it neither sticks out or goes in.  So, when I found out I was pregnant, I was certain that it would pop right out within the first trimester.  Luckily, that didn't happen, but the inevitable has just about arrived.  My button is flirting with becoming more pronounced, like a turkey thermometer that pops up when the turkey is fully cooked....only I won't be fully cooked for another three months.  This sexy new change comes JUST IN TIME for my reunion with Jacob in England.  I wonder if he'll be as turned on by it as me....


  1. I've had an outie since month 5 and I wanted to wait until after 6 months to remove my belly ring for good. So for a while you could see a silhouette of an outie and my belly ring through my outfits. Savor the random changes, haha! =0)

  2. I don't know if "savor" is a word I would use for this experience. haha.
